


Movies have scenes. Lives have moments. Great movies have great directors. At your young age and in this great country, you have the power of choice. You have the power to be the best director ever. A director of life, your life.

Life will undoubtedly present you with great challenges. Do not fear, for these are simply opportunities for you to break them down, and explore their advantages. As you do, more than you know, as a person you will grow.

There will be many roads to travel, mountains to climb and rivers to cross. At times, you will feel overwhelmed and often lost. Be prepared. It’s o.k. to feel scared. Be brave and reach out to those who love you. Seek their wisdom, guidance and support. Especially from those who have already traveled the road you are on, climbed the seemingly endless mountain you are climbing, or have crossed the wide and intimidating river you are preparing to cross.

Our lives are made up of moments. May your life continue to be filled with many wonderful moments. May God bless you and guide you in becoming the best director ever. A director of life, your life.