An Angel in Red

My heart ached this morning as I watched a beautiful young child, an angel dressed in red, mimic the words, tone, and mannerisms of the person who is supposed to set examples for angels like him. Here, I will refer to this person as the devil.

The angel stood out. He was dressed in red. Surrounded by five family members, he seemed happy and full of joy. Every once in a while, I would observe a beautiful smile radiating from this angel and my heart ached less.

The devil’s words were mean and ill intended. Everyone present felt them cut through the energy in the room like a hot knife cuts through butter. All the while, the beautiful angel continues to imitate this devil. Based on the actions and attitudes of the other four family members, it was obvious to me that all of this seemed perfectly normal. Not one of them said one word. Instead, one insisted on catering to and pleasing the devil, which quickly proved impossible.

Not necessarily worth mentioning, but the devil in this real life story was wearing white. Ironic? Are your angels imitating you?