“Aging With You”
Since the moment I met you, I knew I wanted to grow old by your side. I did not know when, but my heart knew you would one day become my one and only bride. Forty years later, we are more in love than ever. When we found ourselves in the trenches, to get out, we were both each other’s lever.
I still remember the moment when our eyes first met. On that day, you felt out of place, so I took you home in my corvette. Remember? I was playing your favorite cassette. You loved your Sony Walkman. That Christmas, I gifted you your favorite headset. Ah, those were the days. For others, these memories may be lost in a haze. Not for us. The fire that keeps our love burning, is what keeps these memories churning.
Who knew aging with you could be so beautiful? By your side, it has been a graceful and effortless process. Together, we have enjoyed many pleasures of life, but none in excess. My desire for others to discover love the way you and I have, with words, is something I cannot express. If they only knew the power and magic of a genuine caress.
When our hands met for the first time, our hearts knew that they would soon intertwine. On that day, we planted a seed, which has now provided us more than we need. It is the source of our love, which we continue to feed. We both understand that love must be nourished for it to thrive and succeed.
I love aging with you. With time, our love and communication grew. We always knew that arguing was something we would never do. Who knew this was even possible? Walking hand in hand, in this journey of life, we have been unstoppable. With you by my side, there is no path or trench that is not walkable.
Yes darling, I love aging with you. Even after all these years, for you, there is nothing I would not do. It’s a blessing to be by your side. My heart was right. You are, and will always be my one and only bride.