“Enormous Love”
My heart is small, but my love for music is enormous.
Joe Silva Writes English Poems, Poems & Prose cello, classical, love, music
My heart is small, but my love for music is enormous.
Commissioned, English, English Poems, Poems & Prose
A simple “yes.” Dammit! That’s all I was looking for! Was I asking for too much? I am fighting for my life! Why in the fuck does she still insist I look for wife? Fuck!
Yes, for over a year, I’ve been fighting for my life. Three times a week, I recycle my blood, without using a knife. As I fight to stay alive, my family seems preoccupied in continuing their internal strife.
Is this price I must pay for being the only boy? Would things have been different if my father was around? When I asked for a simple ‘’yes,” would my mother display the same frown? Shit! I’m lucky and blessed to still be above ground.
It was one October day, when I felt I would forever be going away. I know it sounds cliché, but somehow I was able to live another birthday. I am grateful to my sister, for she transported me to the hospital, on that somber and gray day.
Like you, I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be. Are they angry at me because I am the only one with a degree? Why would they be? Any normal person would think they would be proud of me. If my father was here, maybe he would be.
Things have been this way ever since I can remember. As the only boy, was I expected to be stronger? Was I supposed to be tough? God knows I’ve been through some stuff. My own mother was close to putting me in handcuffs. What the fuck?! Was I expected not to cry? Will anyone give a shit when I die?
My family’s strife is real. Will these words give them a glimpse of how I feel? Through the years, by them, my accomplishments simply went unnoticed. Yes, they never needed to be concealed. Even my good deeds have been questioned in the past. Is our family strife really that vast?
I don’t remember the day, but it was in the hospital, and definitely in October. While fighting for my life, I thought that perhaps, at least for that day, the family strife would be over. I was wrong. My sisters could not be in the same room, because their egos are too strong.
A simple “yes.” That’s all I was looking for. It didn’t come, but that did not change the outcome. I am moving forward without it. I have no choice. I must continue the fight. If I don’t, whether they like it or not, they will be placing me in a gravesite.
Poemas En Español, Poems & Prose
Mi ranchito querido. Con agradecimiento y tristeza, de ti, hoy me despido. Aunque sea por fuera, aún piso tu tierra cálida, y sin embargo, ya siento extrañar tus arboles y paredes, donde en ocaciones me recargo. Perdón, quise decir me recargaba. Si, tus arboles y paredes aliviaban mi cansancio, después de que sobre tu hermosa tierra, junto a mis animales, todo el día trabajaba.
Mi ranchito querido. Por ultima vez, hoy cerré tu portón. Por tener salud para hacerlo, con Dios, y con la Virgen de Guadalupe, estoy bien agradecido. Mi ranchito querido. En ti, los que querían verme caído nunca faltaron. Si, en muchas ocaciones, ellos también tu tierra pisaron. A tu manera, de ellos me protegiste. Con tus ruidos, vientos, y lluvia, en mi oido, sus intenciones me dijiste.
Mi ranchito querido. Nadie mejor que tu, sabe todo lo que sobre tu tierra, mi esposa y yo, hemos vivido. Mis caballos y mis perros tienen una idea, pues ellos siempre estaban presente. En ocaciones pienso y digo, “¿si ellos pudieran hablar, cuales experiencias le contarían a la gente?” Mi ranchito querido. A mi familia viste crecer, y me diste la libertad y espacio para poder florecer.
Mi ranchito querido. Aunque lejos de ti, hoy mas que nunca, por Dios me siento bendecido. Existen quienes piensan que por venderte, en otra persona me he convertido. Se equivocan, aunque sigan pensando que tienen la razón. Eso no me preocupa. Yo soy el mismo. Si algo en mi ha cambiado, es que hoy existe mas paz en mi corazón.
Decir que no te extraño sería mentir. Se me extendió una invitación para participar en este escrito. Me negué, pues al autor, mis sentimientos no le quise exhibir. Si lo hubiera intentado, con un gran nudo en la garganta, no sabría que decir. Preferí quedarme así. Con mi silencio y mi sentir.
Si mi ranchito querido. Con agradecimiento y tristeza, de ti, hoy me despido. Por ultima vez, hoy cerré tu portón. De ti me aleje, pero desde la primera vez que tu tierra pise, te fuiste metiendo en mi corazón. Esta gran decision, hoy me tiene en otra dirección. Aún así, todo lo que sobre tu tierra viví, nada podrá sacarlo de mi corazón.
They are great human beings. Who, you ask? The Staple Crew. If we pay attention, they are here for me and you. Their love and respect for humanity can be felt through the digital screen. For Thanksgiving, a crew member loves to cook for his friends, for he is a fan of cuisine.
The Staple Crew. Knowledgeable and selfless, they spend countless hours doing research, and they willingly share it with me and you. If you have not yet been blessed with their knowledge and wisdom, I encourage you to seek it. You can find them by searching @TheStapleCrew.
Their crypto research is presented clearly, and they are more than willing to educate those who have no clue. Yes, they love humanity. Again, if we pay attention, they are here for me and you. I’m honored and proud to say that I follow The Staple Crew. As such, I am their family. I am part of the crew.
The Staple Crew possesses knowledge and wisdom that cannot be acquired at any college or university. They willingly share it with those who will listen, and they do it all for free. Are you paying attention? How blessed are we?
It’s amazing what can happen when we unplug our television. In doing so, I’m confident I made the right decision. I’m eternally grateful to have found their YouTube channel, and I definitely do not miss any mainstream news panel.
I obviously cannot speak for The Staple Crew, but to help more people, I get the sense that if they could, they would clone themselves and establish a farm in every neighborhood. Yes, their love for humanity is that large, and their hearts are that good.
Like The Staple Crew, I’m confident that good things are coming for me and you. Some may consider us lucky, but rest assured that is not the case. We put in the time and we continue to pay attention. For that reason, we are now in a good place. Of this, I was more convinced than ever, when I shook a crew member’s hand, as we stood face to face.
Yes, their love for humanity is vast. For that, and everything they do, with these words, I offer The Staple Crew a sincere and huge, “Thank You.” I trust that others share the same sentiment as I do. For those that have not yet found The Staple Crew, I pray that they do, so they can help grow our family, as they become part of the crew.