“It’s Your Fault”
There are those who search for fault as if finding it will earn them a reward. In doing so, they also search for a recognition plaque or award.
Then, there are great leaders. Those who lead with integrity, confidence, optimism and courage. They support their team and always seek to encourage.
If you’re a great leader, it’s your fault. Yes, yours. When something goes terribly wrong, you do not search for fault. Instead, you regroup and keep moving along.
There is no need to search for it. It’s already there. You own it. It’s all yours. You are the one responsible for losing the business of one hundred stores.
You appreciate your team. Your emotional intelligence and control helps you lead them to accomplish their new goals. You led your team to sell millions of dollars as you placed your products in several thousand stores.
That too, is your fault. Amazingly, you accomplished this while in private, you were fighting for your life, defending against a frivolous lawsuit for sexual assault.