“In Your Eyes”

“In Your Eyes”
In your eyes, I noticed something special. I don’t know what it is. Whatever it may be, it prompted me to write you this.
When I first saw your photo, in your eyes, I noticed a reflection of innocence, peace and love. At times, I wonder if your photo was sent to me from above.
In your eyes, there is a sparkle of joy. In this world of ever-growing madness, perhaps they also hide some pain and a little bit of sadness.
In your eyes, there is no sign of tears. Besides God, is there someone in whom you confide your deepest fears? There are some who say that their eyes have gone dry because they can no longer cry. When the feeling arises, I lend them my shoulder, and I encourage them to try.
In your eyes, there is a captivating beauty and the feeling of inner peace. If nothing else, perhaps these words can simply serve as a conversation piece.
In your eyes.