“Time Will Tell”

“Time Will Tell”
Will I ever stop missing you? Time will tell. I know one thing, what you and I had was real. For me, the gloom in June is real, for June third is always difficult, and it repeatedly seems surreal.
People say things happen for a reason. There are things I don’t believe in, and there are things I can’t explain. When Miss C came home, in more ways than one, she helped ease my pain.
I’ve been through some tough times. One after another. First I lost you, then I lost my mother. At times, my body aches, my mind tires but my heart keeps beating in search of fulfilling all of its desires.
Will I ever laugh the way I joyfully did with you? Time will tell. I’m optimistic. Regardless of how bad my situation, I never see it as a living hell.
It is said that all wounds take time to heal. What about my emotional scars? How long must they stay concealed? Will these one day be revealed? Time will tell.
I remember the fun times we had every May third. In silence, on that day, regardless of injury or surgery, I still celebrate our anniversary. Will this continue? Time will tell.