“The Staple Crew”

“The Staple Crew”
They are great human beings. Who, you ask? The Staple Crew. If we pay attention, they are here for me and you. Their love and respect for humanity can be felt through the digital screen. For Thanksgiving, a crew member loves to cook for his friends, for he is a fan of cuisine.
The Staple Crew. Knowledgeable and selfless, they spend countless hours doing research, and they willingly share it with me and you. If you have not yet been blessed with their knowledge and wisdom, I encourage you to seek it. You can find them by searching @TheStapleCrew.
Their crypto research is presented clearly, and they are more than willing to educate those who have no clue. Yes, they love humanity. Again, if we pay attention, they are here for me and you. I’m honored and proud to say that I follow The Staple Crew. As such, I am their family. I am part of the crew.
The Staple Crew possesses knowledge and wisdom that cannot be acquired at any college or university. They willingly share it with those who will listen, and they do it all for free. Are you paying attention? How blessed are we?
It’s amazing what can happen when we unplug our television. In doing so, I’m confident I made the right decision. I’m eternally grateful to have found their YouTube channel, and I definitely do not miss any mainstream news panel.
I obviously cannot speak for The Staple Crew, but to help more people, I get the sense that if they could, they would clone themselves and establish a farm in every neighborhood. Yes, their love for humanity is that large, and their hearts are that good.
Like The Staple Crew, I’m confident that good things are coming for me and you. Some may consider us lucky, but rest assured that is not the case. We put in the time and we continue to pay attention. For that reason, we are now in a good place. Of this, I was more convinced than ever, when I shook a crew member’s hand, as we stood face to face.
Yes, their love for humanity is vast. For that, and everything they do, with these words, I offer The Staple Crew a sincere and huge, “Thank You.” I trust that others share the same sentiment as I do. For those that have not yet found The Staple Crew, I pray that they do, so they can help grow our family, as they become part of the crew.