“Need To Heal”

“Need To Heal”
Emotions are designed to pass through our bodies, not to remain bottled up inside. Did I lose my sense of feel when I became his bride? Was that also the day I lost my pride? Is that the root of my sadness? Am I empty inside?
He’s no longer by my side, and day after day, I am surrounded by beautiful people, but even then, the feeling of emptiness does not subside. I receive compliments, but they only make me want to hide. What am I supposed to feel? Does this mean I still need time to heal?
How will I know when I am ready to love? Are my past traumas the barrier that’s preventing me from being loved? The genuine and warm caress of a good man is something I really want to feel. I am broken, and therefore know that for this to happen, from my past traumas, I first must heal.
How much longer must I wait? Am I trying too hard? Am I using the wrong bait? What must I do to once again feel? Is my discreet smile the face of the sadness I secretly conceal? Have you gone through this before? So many questions. Perhaps I’ll find the answers soon, while browsing the self improvement section at a bookstore.