“A Holiday Kiss”


“A Holiday Kiss”

Like the sunlight brightens our day, without lights, a kiss can brighten up any holiday. As we approach a new year, our excitement rises and so does the holiday cheer. Go ahead.  Christmas is a week away but you can start by kissing your child today. No children you say? No worries. Pets are also okay. To them, kiss or no kiss, being with you always brightens their day.

Make this holiday fun. Teach your children to walk or perhaps even run. Give them a kiss on the forehead or one on the cheek. Teach them patience, while you all wait for Santa, who will be here next week. To see what Santa will bring, kids always sneak in a peek. Remember? We were once kids. Year after year, on Christmas Eve, we fought with our tired eyelids.

When it’s cold, a holiday kiss can keep you warm. In the rain, it ignites your inner strength and reminds you that you can fight through a storm, especially because you know you are not alone.

A holiday kiss, on your way out to work, has extra magic. It lets you know that you are loved and confirms why you love to come home.

Big or small, gifts are nice. When it’s my time to give, I never think twice. Whether your gift is made of the finest silk or the cheapest cotton, after you open it, a holiday kiss lets you know that you were not forgotten.

A holiday kiss has the invisible power to put us in a state of bliss. It unlocks our memory banks and causes us to reminisce. The timing is right. Find your target and plan your flight. Not across the country but across the room, which on Christmas Day will be cozy and bright. When you are ready, fire your holiday kiss. After all, if you aim at nothing, you will never miss.