


You can’t have rainbows without rain. You can’t sculpt your body without pain. You can buy beauty for a day, but if your boyfriend makes you cry, it may simply wash away. If it makes it through the day, you can cry yourself to sleep, while you wish for it to stay.

You can keep ignoring your pain. You can disguise your tears by crying in the rain. Your desire to fill your emotional void with meaningless purchases will eventually mess with your brain. That urge alone can consume your life. It may even drive you insane.

Life and death cannot exist without each other. Neither can stars and space. You can try all you want, but you will never avoid the scars of life that will eventually take up residence on your apparent pretty face.

We are all born into this world as tiny and fragile creatures. Some more fortunate than others. Many have natural beauty, while others have a face that can only be loved by their mother. Sadly, many more go through life wishing they had the charm and body of another.

Your beauty lies inside you. If you continually attempt to buy it, you will never be satisfied. Take a look inside. Take the time to enjoy the splendor of a rainbow. Express your pain. Stop hiding your tears in the rain.