
Don’t share your art in hopes of getting likes. Instead, keep creating and exposing your art to the world because that’s what you do. That’s who you are. That’s what you love.
Don’t share your art in hopes of getting likes. Instead, keep creating and exposing your art to the world because that’s what you do. That’s who you are. That’s what you love.
From this earth, I will one day be gone. My art, in a sweet and sour mixture of words, will forever live on.
“How is life?” is a question I’m often asked. Since I live in ‘the now’, I refuse to worry about the future or dwell on the past.
The question seems to come from people who do not understand the concept of living in ‘the now’. Many of them truly believe I own a cash cow. “How do you do it?”, they ask. “Even in the worst of situations, you remain calm and you always wear a happy mask.”
I’ve heard this question so much that I have perfected my answer. It’s clear, concise and direct. “It could be better or it could be worse. But right now, it’s perfect.”
In this world filled with sadness and pain, I’m blessed to be alive, employed and healthy. I’m surrounded by my children whom I love and respect. So yes, my life could be better or it could be worse. But right now, it’s perfect.
On the highways, roadblocks are real. In our quest to prosper, most roadblocks are mental. Create your own detour and find your way.
The time has come. Join me in my walk. We need to talk.
There is much I need to say. My news will hurt, but please do not look away. I want to see the glow in your eyes. I want to remember you that way.
Through thick and thin, you have stood by my side. For many years, I’ve been very ill. We both knew this day would come. It’s time to read you my will.
Doctor Mintz was wrong. I won’t live very long. The cancer has spread. In fact, he wonders why I’m not dead. My faith and will to live are strong and they have often proven science wrong.
Can you feel the wind caressing your face? How about the sun warming your skin? Can you hear the birds chirping? These things are my favorite part of my daily walks. When I’m gone, celebrate my life by remembering and sharing our talks.
There are those who search for fault as if finding it will earn them a reward. In doing so, they also search for a recognition plaque or award.
Then, there are great leaders. Those who lead with integrity, confidence, optimism and courage. They support their team and always seek to encourage.
If you’re a great leader, it’s your fault. Yes, yours. When something goes terribly wrong, you do not search for fault. Instead, you regroup and keep moving along.
There is no need to search for it. It’s already there. You own it. It’s all yours. You are the one responsible for losing the business of one hundred stores.
You appreciate your team. Your emotional intelligence and control helps you lead them to accomplish their new goals. You led your team to sell millions of dollars as you placed your products in several thousand stores.
That too, is your fault. Amazingly, you accomplished this while in private, you were fighting for your life, defending against a frivolous lawsuit for sexual assault.
This morning, I started off my day like any other day. Something was different and I didn’t feel quite right. All day, I pretended not to know what it was. I did know. Like clockwork, those thoughts showed up again at night.
Expressing one’s feelings is no easy task. Even more difficult, is disguising your pain by wearing a happy mask. Now more than ever, I think of the phrase, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Many years ago, I was forced to leave my country and family behind.
I lost contact with my two young children. They are out of sight but always in my heart and never out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind. That’s how I feel. Those thoughts creep up on me every night as I sit at my table, alone, to enjoy my evening meal.
My heart feels broken. I long for my family to reach out and say hello and perhaps ask how I feel. They all live busy lives, no doubt about that. I pray for them and their families. I ask God to give them a minute to call me so we can chat.
I feel invisible. I feel like I don’t exist. But I can see myself and the fact that I can feel is proof that I am alive, that I can still wish and that I am real.
If I don’t reach out every now and then, I would never hear from any of them. For whatever harm I ever caused them, I ask for their forgiveness. I forgive them all even though by them, I feel forgotten. I love them dearly. My love for them will never go rotten.